Ahh, convention season. If you are going to GDC, SXSW, or Web 2.0 this year drop me a line if you'd like to grab a cup of coffee. I'm there all week since I have a talk on Monday as part of Worlds in Motion, and a talk on Friday that is part of GDC/CRV's Startup Launchpad event. We are hiring and partnering here at Conduit, and I'm interested in folks delving into: asynchronous game design, game design in non-game web applications, the synchronous internet, virtual goods, and of course social gaming.
As for actual talks, I'm keeping a low profile and just helping on a couple panels for right now. There will be enough of me yammering on about Conduit soon enough. I'll be speaking at:
Facebook and the new web of Social Gaming
with TJ (SGN) and Mark (Zynga). GDC/Worlds in Motion Summit. Mon Feb 18 at 4:30pm.Raising Venture Financing for your Startup
with Susan (CRV), Jason (Areae), Emily (Kongregate), and Matt (Sparkplay). GDC. Fri Feb 22 at 9:00am.
and at SXSW this year,
Casual Multi-Player Online Games: Serious Revenues
with Michael (Mind Candy), Joe (GAIA), Jeremy (Lightspeed), and Adrian (FreetoPlay.biz). SXSW. Tue Mar 11 at 11:30am.
See you soon.
I just emailed this quote to my Game Design classes at VFS:
"We are hiring and partnering here at Conduit, and I'm interested in folks delving into: asynchronous game design, game design in non-game web applications, the synchronous internet, virtual goods, and of course social gaming."
As an example of where the next wave of the industry is headed, and where the most rabid competition for talent will occur.
Nice inadvertent summary of where the industry's headed.
See you next week.
Posted by: Adrian Crook | February 15, 2008 at 03:27 AM
Nabeel, See you at SxSW!
Posted by: Jay | February 23, 2008 at 02:37 PM